It’s Menopause Awareness Month!

October is Menopause Awareness Month, a topic we feel passionately about!

That’s why we have:

🟪 Dedicated page on helping to manage your peri/current/post menopause + info to ease anxiety (see our website)

🟪 Two menopause champions who are here to chat and signpost anyone that wants support (Wonderful Julie & Bev 🙌)

🟪 Ongoing whole team training on how Energise can support you and understanding the mental and physical changes 💪 (Formal and in-house)

🟪 Adapted Spa Treatments by our brilliant Therapists where desired ❄️

🟪 An open and positive atmosphere 🫶

Once you open up the conversation, it’s amazing how much people want to chat about their experiences/ways of coping and tactics to get through. We’re always here to support everyone 🤎