Is Sports Massage right for me?


Sports Massage can be beneficial to everyone. Our Sports Massage Therapist, Fredericka Ellis de Bootman, has answered some frequently asked questions below. To discuss your needs in more detail, please contact us.

Do I need to be ‘sporty’?

No! Sports Massage is for everyone. The techniques used focus on your muscles and joints, so be it a strain from too much gardening or a strain from running, a long term health condition, or a sudden tight muscle, Sports Massage can be beneficial to people from all walks of life. Whether your job is active or desk-bound, you’re a new grandparent or a new mum, our bodies are constantly changing and can benefit from a helping hand to ensure they can perform their best.

I have a health condition; can I still have a Sports Massage?

If you have any concerns, please contact me to discuss your Treatment in confidence. I may recommend you check with your GP that it’s ok for you to have a Treatment. An Initial Consultation will be undertaken to check for any other concerns - your safety always comes first.

Some examples of a health condition (sometimes known as a contraindication) that means extra precaution is required include; Diabetes, recent surgery, high blood pressure, injury, and certain medications.

What sort of health conditions can Sports Massage help with?

Sports Massage may help with back pain, Plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, neck ache, tension headaches, runners knee, frozen shoulder, general stiffness, muscular strains. As above, your Initial Consultation will identify any areas of concern, and we can move forward together from there.

I see a Physio/Chiropractor/Osteopath already, is that ok?

Absolutely, I often work alongside other health care professionals. Please check with your Therapist that they are happy for you to start a course of Sports Massage before booking. I’m very happy to have a confidential call with them when required, so we can work together to get you feeling your best.

Who will do the Sports Massage?

My name is Fredericka Ellis de Bootman, and I’m passionate about helping people feel better. I’m a fully qualified Sports Masseuse, with a Distinction in iTEC’s Level 4 Sports Massage Diploma, and over 15 years experience.

I love sport, and love being active. When I was just 16, I collapsed with a bad back and was bed bound for weeks. I was mortified that I could have my personal freedom taken away by lack of movement. The experience gave me a lot of empathy for those with injuries and pain, and the far reaching consequences it can have on their lives. With my dysfunctioning back, I became aware (through trial and error) that there are many steps to recovery, and to staying recovered. But I did recover, and got back to being active, and my love of horse riding, with a new sense of how being just slightly out of alignment can physically affect your entire body and well being.

I love biology and anatomy, as well as a good puzzle, so being a natural nerd, Sports Massage allows me to combine all my passions into one box, or rather a couch…

I’ve been a Sports Masseuse for nearly 14 years, and it never ceases to amaze me just how beneficial it can be to people.

What should I wear?

You should wear a loose pair of loose shorts if possible, and a t-shirt. Ladies should wear a comfortable sports/normal bra. If you do a sport, please bring your regular training shoes along with you. You can get changed in the Treatment Room when you arrive for your appointment if that’s easier.

How long will my appointment last?

Your Initial Consultation appointment will last for an hour; this appointment is for us to discuss any issues you’re experiencing, and what you would like to get out of the treatment, along with my analysis of your posture and range of movement capabilities. Based on this Consultation, we’ll create a plan for your treatment, tailored to your needs and goals. This could be improving mobility, to allow you to get out in the garden more, or helping a strain heal, so you can get back to training quicker and more productively.

Subsequent treatments (Ongoing Maintenance Sessions) are between 45 minutes to one hour.

What happens during the appointment? Will it hurt?

I’ll perform a range of targeted massage techniques, which are specifically targeted to help your joints and muscles. This could include stretching, deep tissue massage, along with massage techniques designed to improved your joint function and to relax any tight muscles.

Sports Massage is generally applied to be more effective than relaxing, but it should not be agony! It requires your active participation. I’ll work gently with, rather than against, your tensed up muscles.

After your appointment, you may feel sore for a couple of days, but this should be equivalent to the feeling you get after a good workout, or active period. We’ll discuss any movements or exercises that will be helpful for you to do yourself in between your appointments.

How often should I have a Sports Massage?

This will vary on your goals, or the severity of your injury or condition. A long standing injury may take three - six sessions to reach your goals, a minor issue may be significantly improved with one or two treatments. Treatment goals and suggested sessions will always be discussed in your Initial Consultation.